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The map of feminist and human rights work today is constantly changing due to the rise of right-wing anti-rights discourses and narratives from many actors, known or constantly being identified, in addition to climate change, which poses serious and difficult challenges for feminists and women human rights defenders in the region, especially the genocides being committed whether in Gaza or Sudan, and the empowerment of anti-feminists and women’s human rights to power as is the current case in Yemen, Afghanistan and Iraq by the so-called pioneering advocates of human rights and global women’s human rights, who recently revealed their ambiguous and duplicitous positions.

The feminist movement today in the region needs all feminists, women human rights defenders, and activists to come together to understand these changes and create an action strategy that enables them to address these challenges and crimes, while striving to strengthen the defense of human rights, women’s rights, and all gender identities, including non-binary and non-confirming identities.

With this in mind, the Regional Coalition for Women Human Rights Defenders in Southwest Asia and North Africa (WHRDMENA) announces the opening of the membership application to the Coalition – whether on an organizational level (both formal and informal) or individual membership for women human rights defenders, feminists and activists – by filling out the membership application form shown below, taking into account the membership conditions and learning about the values that govern the work of the WHRDMENA.




To submit the application: