5 Nov, 2023 Dispatches From a WHRD Under Seige: The people of Gaza have willingly chosen their homeland. They chose their homes to be their graves lest they surrender
4 Nov, 2023 Dispatches From a WHRD Under Seige: The Israeli Occupation’s Plan Does Not Lack Clarity: First, displacing Gaza, Second, the West Bank, and then seizing all of the of territories of Palestine.
3 Nov, 2023 Dispatches From a WHRD Under Seige: Advance! Our children and elderly die, but will not surrender, and the mother falls on her murdered children, but will not surrender
1 Nov, 2023 Dispatches From a WHRD Under Seige: to our attackers, let us be, you’ve taken your share of our blood so Stop Killing Us
1 Nov, 2023 Dispatches From a WHRD Under Seige: Another hellish night. survivors among Gaza’s population wake up to yet another dawn, surprised that they’re still alive
31 Oct, 2023 Dispatches From a WHRD Under Seige: We realize how we love you when we feel we have lost all communication with you
30 Oct, 2023 Open letter from recipients of the Franco-German prize for Human rights and the Rule of Law to the diplomatic missions of France and Germany
30 Oct, 2023 Political Solidarity & Feminist Teach-ins: Palestinian Voices and Feminist Resistance Registration Form
29 Oct, 2023 Dispatches from a WHRD under siege: will my morning message continue to reach the world?
28 Oct, 2023 Dispatches From a WHRD Under Seige: 24 Bloody Hours: Bereft hearts wrung by bitterness and brutality
26 Oct, 2023 Dispatches From a WHRD Under Seige: O Night, may you leave and let the morning come, even if the morning is no better than you
25 Oct, 2023 Dispatches From a WHRD Under Seige: A wish finally came true, to leave the house and walk on the street
24 Oct, 2023 Dispatches From a WHRD Under Seige: Martyrs in the Gaza Strip write their names on their hands
22 Oct, 2023 Dispatches From a WHRD Under Seige: Morality and human values have fallen with the attack on churches and the threatening of hospitals.
20 Oct, 2023 Dispatches From a WHRD Under Seige: Death came close then retreated a little, Day 13 of the Agression